What is God?

“You believe in Guru Nanak, they worship Jesus 
But you all long for peace and love.
Thence, in lieu of giving credence to immortal 
Y’all  must follow the path of truth and cognition.”

For us humans, religion and faith are corresponding to each other. Masses have glut faith in religion, which is based on spiritual persuasion rather than proof. Religion, which is man-made but dominates the man itself. Religion, which is regarded as true by the witless and useful by the autocrat. 
Now if I would tell you that I posses some kind of clairvoyance, it would be quite hard for you to believe. But, if I tell the same to my close ones in compelling ways, they might. Likewise, from the day you are born till now, society-including your family and friends persuade you to believe in the existence of the supreme God which is nonetheless; a myth. A myth, well forged by the ancient superstitious scholars and carried forward by the irrational. 
However, religious interpretations are quite incongruous sometimes. Like the concept of holy Trinity in Christians, the belief among Hindus that lord Shiva’s 'man-bun' is the inception of river Ganga, the practice of Nikah-Halala in Islam and many more. You really need to check yourself if you fall in line with such deceptions. If you all still believe that God is someone sitting cross-legged on Himalayas with a snake around his neck, supervising the physical world or God is the main character of Bhagvad Geeta stealing clothes from women having bath and harassing them, NO. 

Atheists have read religious texts more than the greater number of believers. They learned how the practice of “Devadasi system” generated . They discovered how scriptures were written decades after the supposed death and resurrection of the Jesus by people who were not even eye-witnesses. So I propose to you all, to read and critically analyze these religious texts, just so you have grip over something you’re putting your faith in. Because, God is not any mythological legend or a mud sculpture, GOD IS WITHIN YOU. God is your belief in the righteous. God is you fighting for the truth and defeating the wrong. 

~ Rabia Thapa


  1. Very well written Rabia,,,, proud of u

  2. Hey it’s Parth Gyanchandani here!I recently checked out your blog on facebook.I read both your topics and i am really bewildered that you have such a mature point of view on life at such a young age.When i first read the first few lines of the ‘What is God?’ I was really offended that how can a person say that god doesn’t exist.But when i came to the end and you said that God is within us that line really touched me.I am really looking forward to more of your stands on various topics.Keep going don’t stop. 👍🏻

  3. Never read such a naïve peace on religion and faith.
    The word religion is like sports. It encompasses within its spectrum a wide range of opinion often vastly opposed to one another. You committed the banal and yawning mistake of using such loose word to draw bold conclusions on opinions that comprise it.

    Coming to what you wrote in chronological order.

    1.)First error is the naive idea that all religious followers long for peace or love. To give an instance, Abhramic faiths do not long primarily for love and peace. They long for relieving themselves from original sin(In Christianity) and love and peace may or may not be followed to achieve that end. They long for establishing Dar-ul-Islam(In Islam), and peace and love may or may not be used for the purpose.

    2.) Religion and faith are corresponding to each other in Abrahamic traditions and not much in Indic traditions(See works of S Radhakrishnan). In Abrahamic traditions, the truth is not verifiable and is revealed through self proclaimed prophets who are to be trusted till the life here on earth is over. One cannot become a prophet by following any method. Prophets are arbitrarily choosen by God and their word is accepted on faith because it remains unverifiable.
    Contrary to that, in Indic traditions, Rishis and Gurus are the guiding force, and not prophets. They follow a method, experience a state, and enunciate certain doctrines which they claim are true. They exhort others to follow the same method, experience the state, and if they don't find the doctrines enunciated true, they can reject it. Faith is only needed by those who are not willing to follow the method but trust the wise sages, just as today, a scientific expert is trusted for what he says. In other words, the doctrines of Indic traditions are verifiable by anyone who is willing. He or she is free to accept or discard it on verification.

    3.)Another point is this proof business. If you care to read any philosophical works, you will find that spirituality under Indic traditions is talking always of the 'self.' The self is never proven because its the very basis of every proof. Its logically antecedent to every experience that we have.[See Immanuel Kant's distinction of 'a priori' and 'a posteriori'] Its presupposed as given because denying its validity will annihilate all symbols, language, conventions, experience-- in short all knowledge. The philosophical works try to analyse the nature of this self rationally, and not empirically because its the basis of experience and hence cannot be observed.[See section on Advaita Vedanta in S Radhakrishnan's "Indian Philosophy" Volume 2]
    You put up an opinion of God as a celestial dictator governing the universe like a Divine North Korea from lightyears away and pass that as a general view of religion when in fact it concerns only a body of opinion.

    4.)You smear your case even more when you say that religion institutions were rationally designed by man when even atheists have discarded this view. David Hume, Adam Ferguson and Hayek in a more refined form have argued that religion and culture grew spontaneously through trial and error and were not rationally designed by anyone just as language evolved and was never rationally designed by anyone. Hayek went so far as to say that 'Its not mind which has created culture, its culture which has created mind.'

    I think these comments are sufficient to illustrate what a trash you have put up. Maybe begin reading scholarly works instead of writing by watching shallow Youtube videos or third rate newspaper cuttings.

    1. So, Your sense just work upto the scholarly books you read ? Lol If that's the case then I don't think you have the right to judge a religion or religions at all. Just stick to your mindset of 4-5 books that you read while sitting inside a room. Religion is way broad that you could have ever imagined in your life. Also, If you thought that religion is that easy to build upon then why don't we see any dramatic religious changes. It should be like 50+ by now as we also get advance and we have science backing ourselves yet I don't see any new religion following up or a person claiming he is a Messanger of God. Even In this viral era lol. So, Always appreaappr thoughts before straight away concluding them on your mere knowledge.

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